Write to Win: If you could create a new emotion, what would it be, and why? (Round 4)

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  • Our writing contest starts with 10 students, who are eliminated one at a time based on your votes and YP editors’ picks – who will you choose?
  • This week, contestants share the feelings they would love to invent
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What emotion would you want to create? Photo: Shutterstock

Read the responses to this week’s Write to Win prompt, and choose the answer you like most. Based on your votes and YP editors’ picks, we will eliminate one contestant.

Lotus: Introducing “ecoality”, an uplifting emotion that encapsulates the profound sense of connection and tranquillity when surrounded by nature. It extends beyond appreciating the beauty of our environment. It is the feeling of unity and belonging with nature, often combined with an overwhelming sense of amazement, letting your creative mind roam free. Watching the beautiful rays of sunrise, enjoying a carefree picnic or taking a lush walk through a park will evoke this feeling of perfect euphoria. When you are stuck in a vicious cycle of fear, anger and exasperation, the spirit of “ecoality” will make your pressing reality drift away. “Ecoality” reminds us of the bond between humans and nature, highlighting the importance of nurturing and respecting the planet we call home.

Lily: Have you ever stepped onto a stage in front of a large audience? The combination of fear and excitement in such moments creates a unique sensation, which I coined “feaxcited”. This emotion often stems from feelings of anxiety about the possibility of underperforming and jeopardising the hard work put into practising. In contrast, it also arises from being apprehensive about the upcoming performance and the anticipation of showing your talent to the audience. “Feaxcited” can be both overwhelming and exhilarating. It is a testament to your investment in your craft and the significance of the moment. Embracing this sensation allows us to channel these emotions and harness their energy into powerful and captivating performances.

Jasmine: The feeling of “melodream”. This portmanteau can be broken down into the words “melody” and “dream” and is defined as a transcendent, otherworldly sensation a person gets while listening to music. Sometimes, “melodreaminess” elicits such ecstasy that it compels you to dance along, but it can also bring you to tears with lyrics that resonate deeply. It is the tingling pulsation of a song that whisks you into a whole new world, just like Jasmine, my alias. Reality can often be disappointing. “Melodreaminess” allows me to unload the day’s burdens and transports me to a sheltered sanctuary where I find solace and comfort. For me, One Direction gives me “melodreams”.

Lavender: “Oversocialising” is a new emotion I want to create. Nowadays, socialising is an imperative aspect that people need to handle as human beings in a world of social animals. However, spending time alone is required to maintain good mental health. Disproportionately allocating their time and energy between socialising and alone time may cause a person to feel overwhelmed. Oversocialising is a warning sign that reminds you that you are running out of social battery and that it’s time to recharge. Oversocialised people may get used to wearing a mask to hide their authentic feelings, which keeps them in a depressed state for a long time.

Tulip: I would introduce a feeling called “flourish”. It is a positive and empowering emotion that we would experience along with our personal growth. There will be a feeling of fulfilment and the realisation of one’s potential.

This emotion would hopefully inspire people to embrace challenges and take risks. With that, they can pursue their passions with enthusiasm and determination. It would allow a mindset of resilience, leading individuals to navigate obstacles and setbacks with optimism. “Flourish” would also encourage a strong desire to contribute positively to the well-being of others.

Marigold: I would create an emotion that is an amalgamation of physical and mental satiation – fullness that encompasses warmth from tangible satiety and companionship. This emotion would bring to mind comfort in all its forms: the dense flowering of spring, light floating in the wind and a smell akin to persimmons. I would coin it “full-whelm” – a snug feeling between overwhelmed and underwhelmed. Although it shares a few parallels with joy, “full-whelm” refers to a sensation that is more gentle, less intense, and reflective of pleasure, eliciting a type of fullness that arises primarily when sharing meals with loved ones.

Rose: “Soul kinship” is a combination of soul and kindred spirit. The tone of life is characterised by solitude. Most people we come across are merely passing through our lives, and most of the time, we find shallow happiness to pass the time. The unity of the soul is hard to seek. However, we won’t feel lonely any more when “soul kinship” arises. If people only talk superficially, they will eventually become strangers. We don’t spend our lives trying to satisfy everyone but rather, finding people who resonate with us. “Soul kinship” arises when we encounter someone we share a deep spiritual bond with and who knows what we are thinking without speaking.

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