Write to Win: What makes you happy that money can’t buy? (Round 1)

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  • Our writing contest starts with 10 students, who are eliminated one at a time based on your votes and YP editors’ picks – who will you choose?
  • This week, contestants share that the best things in life are free
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Money can’t buy things like kindness and happiness! Photo: Shutterstock

Read the responses to this week’s Write to Win prompt, and choose the answer you like most. Based on your votes and YP editors’ picks, we will eliminate one contestant.

Peony: Open-minded parents who will tolerate me, accept everything about me, and support me in doing what I like, even if it is against the world. This makes me feel that my parents love the way I am. I have seen other parents strictly discipline their children, causing them to lose their interests or hobbies, so I am very lucky that my parents are open minded.

Daffodil: Being with sincere friends who share each other’s happiness and tears all the time. These warm and harmonious moments with my friends are my irreplaceable treasures. Every time these memories flash in my mind, I feel extremely blessed.

Lavender: The joy of being alone as this is the perfect time to review and savour one’s life. Listening to music on my own would be a great method to relax, bringing me great joy.

Jasmine: The peace and tranquillity of being in the embrace of mother nature. It is a safe space for me to revitalise myself from different sources of stress, pressure and discontentment in life.

Lily: Helping others brings me happiness. It makes me feel content whenever I help others, whether it is something as simple as helping them carry heavy items or teaching classmates how to handle their homework.

Lotus: You may have heard the quote, “kindness makes you happy, and happiness makes you kind”. Kindness lets us focus on what we can control, boosts our confidence and even helps us relish good memories. In a world filled with negativity, it never fails to fill my mind with optimism and positivity.

Rose: Loving myself. Being a confident person with a clear conscience and possessing good morals is of paramount importance. If you lose the passion for life ­and loving yourself, no amount of money will help.

Tulip: I believe that the best things in life are free. Families and friends are priceless. All the memories we treasure were created with them. Such things cannot be bought.

Marigold: Language, for it holds lines that oscillate, lines that shine. There’s something festive about writing. Such pleasure is merely intensified by literature’s knack for metamorphosis, turning birds into freedom and flowers into love. Even the odious can be made luscious.

Sunflower: As a passionate writer, I find immense joy in intangible treasures that money can’t buy. The thrill of crafting a story that touches hearts, the satisfaction of connecting with readers on a profound level and the delight of witnessing the power of words to inspire and transform lives.

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