Kevin McSpadden
Kevin McSpadden
SCMP Contributor
Kevin McSpadden is a former SCMP staff writer. He is currently a freelance journalist who likes to write about archaeological discoveries in China.

A team of researchers reexamined the age of the important “Liujiang Man” skeleton in China and discovered it was tens of thousands of years younger than initially believed.

A recently excavated “zombie grave” in Germany features a man with a massive stone placed over his legs, meant to keep him still when he rose from the dead.

Archaeologists excavating a tomb in eastern China said it is the most complex structure of its kind, leading to hypotheses that it belonged to a Chu state king.


The Great Wall of China is the country’s most famous monument, and it is full of interesting facts that may not be well known to the general public.

Every year, China’s National Cultural Heritage Administration reveals its top 10 archaeological discoveries from the past year, sometimes called the “Oscars of Archaeology”.

Archaeologists in China unearthed the Ming dynasty tomb of a high-ranking eunuch featuring beautifully preserved ornate artwork, funerary sacrifices, and a gorgeous doorway.

Archaeologists in central China continue to unearth insightful new findings from the tomb of Prince Jin Duan, a foundational member of the Ming Dynasty royal line.

Scientists have used DNA analysis to determine that pottery development in China was linked to strong regional differences in how they cooked millet, an ancient staple grain.

Archaeologists studying a section of the Great Wall of China think that newly discovered gaps in an enigmatic stretch of the structure may have resulted from fears over the rise to power of Ghengis Khan.

A new academic paper has explained how extreme income inequality during China’s Ming dynasty period often resulted in debt-ridden farmers selling their children into slavery.

Archaeologists discovered evidence of a very early Austronesian society on an island off the coast of China, expanding original ideas about where they lived.

A mass grave uncovered in China has been found to contain 43 victims of headhunting massacres, with 32 of them, all women and children, killed in a single event.

Archaeologists discovered a treasure trove of ancient Chinese relics that span 700 years during a renovation of a primary school playground in eastern China.

A Yangtze finless porpoise that marks a breakthrough in artificial breeding has been named by Chinese netizens in an attempt to put a spotlight on the endangered species.