Cliff Buddle
Cliff Buddle
Special Projects Editor
A journalist for more than 30 years, Cliff Buddle began his career as a court reporter in London and moved to Hong Kong in 1994 to join the Post. He returned to the UK in August 2022. Specialising in court reporting and legal affairs, he has held a variety of editorial positions, including Deputy Editor and Acting Editor-in-Chief. He is a regular columnist.

Watching two Hong Kong students help win the UK’s long-running University Challenge TV quiz show, Cliff Buddle recalls the challenges of viewing British TV favourites in Hong Kong in the 1990s.

From bees and butterflies to birds and badgers, much of Britain’s wildlife is in disturbing decline resulting from development, climate change, pesticides and pollution. And then there’s the roadkill.


Hong Kong saw its highest ever March temperatures, while the UK awaits the end of winter – but climate change is bringing earlier signs of spring in Britain, causing a sense of renewal and revival.

It might be a pipe dream, but hosting the finals of one of the world’s biggest sporting events would be a huge coup and a true ‘mega event’.

Having lived in Hong Kong from the 1990s until recently, our columnist shares his collection of paintings gathered during his time in a city often derisively referred to as a cultural desert.

Visits to see London’s skyline, while impressive, don’t compare to Hong Kong’s stunning array of buildings and lights. It’s one of things I miss most about the city, and one of its biggest assets.

Kent is becoming the Wine Garden of England, with more and more vineyards offering tastings and tours. In Cliff Buddle’s early days in Hong Kong, a decent drop was hard to find – but worth the effort.

Lionel Messi sitting out the Inter Miami vs Hong Kong exhibition game was because of an injury and not his fault, and the idea he should have addressed fans to explain the situation is misconceived.


When the world still relied on snail mail and the internet didn’t exist, a visit to the Poste Restante counter at Hong Kong’s General Post Office was eagerly awaited.

Why is it that drivers of German car marques treat the UK speed limit as a minimum, not maximum requirement? And don’t get me started on potholes. Oh for Hong Kong, where most people don’t need a car.

Cliff Buddle has joined in with the ‘wahs’ of Hong Kong’s New Year’s Eve fireworks and survived a chaotic night in London when two women died – though this year he’ll probably be asleep by midnight.

This is Cliff Buddle’s first English Christmas in his own home since leaving Hong Kong and the main event will be the much maligned traditional lunch – hopefully his family will create something edible.