
Xiongan New Area
  • A low-cost indoor navigation system promises accuracy to the size of a single parking space
  • The technology has been created specifically for use in the sprawling network of tunnels underneath Xiongan New Area in northern China

A think tank has recommended the establishment of a common market in China’s Greater Bay Area, proposing a system of regional integration similar to the European Union.


Officials tasked with developing regions along the Yangtze River are told by President Xi Jinping to ‘take the long view, make long-term strategies, and safeguard long-lasting security’, while pursuing new growth from technological innovation.


Xiongan New Area plan viewed with suspicion because it is not near any regional commercial hub and workers do not want to move from China’s capital, says analyst.


During inspection visit to Hebei province, China’s president pushes for more progress in developing Beijing’s new municipal administrative centre and Xiongan New Area.


During a tour of Xiongan New Area, the Chinese leader calls for greater efforts to move government, academic and financial headquarters out of the capital.


From large-scale transport and water-conservancy projects to renewable energy efforts, China is splashing out trillions of yuan on critical infrastructure.


The Xiongan New Area, blessed by Beijing’s top brass, represents the new zenith of China’s building spree, with round-the-clock construction in full force to build the futuristic metropolis from scratch.


Smart city brain project aimed at enhancing infrastructure with technologies including satellite information services, sensors, a 5G network and big data facilities

Week after president’s trip to north China’s Hebei province, Xinhua publishes 13,000-word document extolling virtues of ambitious development project.