
Income inequality
  • Zero-Covid strategy is increasingly punishing China’s economy, with no end in sight, and many consumers are hoarding what little savings they have
  • China has resisted doling out the type of ‘extraordinary’ stimulus payments seen in United States and Europe, but some economists say this must change

After a campaign to curb what President Xi Jinping called the ‘disorderly expansion of capital’, entrepreneurs await signs that they still have a role to play.

Xi Jinping’s trademark plan to reduce wealth inequality is being hampered by confusion, especially at the local level, about how best to help poor citizens and drive development.


President Xi Jinping’s goal to reduce wealth inequality is front and centre on the government agenda, but heavy-handed regulation and a slowing economy has some middle-class Chinese worried about their future.


Every day, some 500 teenage girls give birth in the Philippines, where preventing teen pregnancies was made a ‘national priority’ by President Duterte last year – yet teens still need parental consent to access contraception.


WHO, Commonwealth meet to sign agreement on ending pandemic, fighting vaccine inequality; ‘equal access to vaccines is most pressing political, economic, social and moral priority’.

World Bank Group also warns that the pandemic has widened the rich-poor gap, particularly in emerging markets and developing economies such as China.


Salil Tripathi, a 36-year-old delivery rider in Delhi, was killed instantly when a car driven by a drunk policeman hit him. His death has touched many in India, where millions who dream of joining the middle class face considerable obstacles.


Hope in the new year depends on conquering Covid-19 through vaccination, managing climate change, spurring economic growth and reducing disparities.


Just this month, a former finance minister said official economic indicators failed to paint an accurate picture of China’s economy, and publicly available data did not show how many firms had vanished.


China’s largest PC maker grilled on social media over its sale of state assets, high executive pay and its foreign executives threatening national security. Owners of private companies in China worry they’re next.


Readers discuss children in poverty in Hong Kong, how fintech seems bent on encouraging spending, the efficacy of the salt and sugar labelling scheme and suggest how to further freedom of speech in China.

The hit Netflix series tells a tale of desperate people in a highly unequal society scrambling for a slim chance to escape debt. Young people who might see parallels between Squid Game and Hong Kong must be taught there’s still hope to build a better tomorrow.


Readers discuss the themes in Korean pop culture’s latest success, the role of housing in Hong Kong’s stability and how to head off hyperinflation.
