
Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong: A shining example of the strength of British education

Paid Post:Shrewsbury International School

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Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong has already become one of the city’s leading primary schools. Having just opened its doors in August of last year, it is the latest addition to the Shrewsbury family, and will build on the strengths of its sister school; the world-renowned Shrewsbury School, founded in the UK in 1552.

With a close connection to the highly respected English National Curriculum, the school provides an appropriate level of academic rigour that can also be accurately measured and reported back to parents. In addition, Shrewsbury believes that young children learn best when they are engaged and enthralled, and places just as much emphasis on personal development as academic success.

Shrewsbury’s innovative teaching methodology strongly encourages collaboration, with an understanding that children learn as much from one another as they do from their teachers. Furthermore, the school’s state-of-the-art facilities, which include a concert hall aquatic centre, art studio, design centre and sports grounds, allow children to discover new passions and talents outside of traditional academics.

Another one of Shrewsbury’s biggest strengths is the understanding that each child is unique. Teachers work closely with families to help identify and shape the emerging strengths and ambitions of each student during their primary years.

Drawing upon the practice of its UK campus, Shrewsbury will offer a personalised programme of transition that begins with a family meeting as children enter Year 4. Gathering together crucial thoughts and ideas at this early stage will allow parents to make a more careful and informed decision about their child’s secondary school destination. The school’s detailed knowledge of schools both within Hong Kong and beyond, as well as the personal circumstances of each family, will all be taken into account.

Finally, something that truly sets Shrewsbury apart from other primary schools in Hong Kong is its heavy emphasis on music in early education. As proven by our founding schools track record with musical performance, theatre, and the performing arts, Shrewsbury has an incredibly rich musical tradition.

Shrewsbury Hong Kong looks to deliver a similar aspirational programme within its premium primary setting. To this end, the school found the perfect man for the mission - Euan Kilpatrick - whom the school calls “an engaged dynamic and knowledgeable practitioner with an aspirational vision.”

“Music offers a unique opportunity for students to make connections, understand ideas and practise skills associated with a wide range of other curriculum areas,” explained Kilpatrick, head of music at Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong.

According to Kilpatrick, the music programme at Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong has been carefully designed to nurture a life-long love of music. Further supplementing core lessons, students throughout the school engage in weekly vocal sessions that are not only fun, but also further their understanding of musicality, rhythm and performance.

“Singing warms the soul,” Kilpatrick said. “Within our sessions, students learn to control their breathing and physicality. Consciously engaging our diaphragm helps to increase the levels of oxygen in the bloodstream, regulate our heartbeat and ease levels of stress and anxiety.”

The school has done extensive research into the benefits musical training has on early-years learners. Studies have shown that children that learn music between the ages of two and nine experience significant breakthroughs in language development, which can play a big role in social competence.

“Singing alongside others on a weekly basis has psychological benefits too - it increases our sense of community and belonging,” said Kilpatrick.

Finally, a recent study for the German Institute of Economic Research clarified that cognitive and non-cognitive skills are improved by personal musical tuition. Whether parents want their children to become full-time musicians or not, the benefits of early-years music training are clear, and no school does it better than Shrewsbury.

As a former British Colony, Hong Kong has been blessed with a stable of prestigious English primary and secondary schools. As the latest addition to this stable, Shrewsbury will look to make its mark at the Ed Talk – Understanding the Trends, Strengths & Opportunities of the UK Education System on March 30.

Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong Principal Ben Keeling will join a panel with the heads of three of Hong Kong’s top English secondary schools – Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong, Harrow International School Hong Kong and Kellett School. Ms Frances Moffett Kouadio of the British Consulate-General Hong Kong will moderate the discussion.
